Ghost Ranger
A long haired, rednecked Indian Cowboy

Posts Tagged ‘ADD

To Sleep Perchance to Dream

June 23, 2016

I don’t sleep well. I never have. I’m not one for taking sleep medications due to an addictive personality. I have tried to control my busy mind with mental exercises when I lay down to sleep with some success but this often leads to some very weird dreams. I often write in my head or […]

The First Words…

January 17, 2009

The opening paragraphs of Loup Bayou (as of now): In the pitch-black darkness that is the bayou at night, on St. Johns Eve, the 23d of June, they gather. Cursed, amoral souls drawn to this their ancestral meeting place. Tortured by their shared curse, living with the knowledge that they are no longer completely human […]


January 15, 2009

Distractions for a writer come in many forms. I have previously journaled about writing in dialects. In order to insure that I use the correct phonetics for the Cajun dialect I did some research on the subject. This research has now distracted me. I have the choice of writing in standard American vernacular and editing […]

A long haired, rednecked Indian Cowboy


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